Category: Pediatric Dental Wellness

  • Toothbrush Prophy Cleaning

    Toothbrush Prophy Cleaning

    We love to see little children in our dental office! We are not just interested in your child’s dental development, but are interested in them as little people, too. With little children, our role is to start a trusting relationship that can last a lifetime. We use play and stories to create rapport with children,…

  • Growing Healthy Kids

    Growing Healthy Kids

    Growing Healthy Kids Kids need high quality sleep, high quality nutrition, and lots of play to grow healthy bones. Bones need the raw materials of proteins, vitamins and minerals to lay down more bone – but they also do not grow without force being placed across the bone. Form follows function!   Unfortunately, today’s “kid…

  • Baby Dental Well Visit

    Baby Dental Well Visit

    What is a baby dental well visit? The health of baby’s teeth are incredibly important to his early development, and by the age of 2, baby should have a full set of teeth. We invite children as early as 2 years to our dental practice for full dental evaluation, and of course younger any time…

  • Oral Development and Nursing

    Oral Development and Nursing

    New parents often joke “if only the baby came with instructions.” One particular area that parents look for advice is in how to feed baby. A common question is “Bottle or breast?” New mothers can get free support from other moms with nurslings by attending La Leche League meetings But even for mothers who feel…

  • Transition from Teething to Toothbrushing

    Transition from Teething to Toothbrushing

    The transition from teething to toothbrushing is made easy by Preventive Dental’s Toothcare Toothbrush Infant Toddler Training Kit. The instructions are written right on the package, and are simple. For a teething infant without any teeth yet, the dual-handled teething ring is the perfect shape for little fingers to grasp, and has nubby bumps for…

  • Sleep like a baby, and breathe through your nose! Oral taping reduces snoring and sleep apnea

    Sleep like a baby, and breathe through your nose! Oral taping reduces snoring and sleep apnea

    Does your mouth fall open during sleep? Do you snore or stop breathing throughout the night? Take a tip from a baby to sleep well, and breathe through your nose! Oral taping is the trendy way of keeping your mouth closed all night – so you can sleep like a baby! Babies are obligate nasal…

  • Always Breathe Correctly: Buteyko Meets Dr. Mew

    Always Breathe Correctly: Buteyko Meets Dr. Mew

    In my new favorite book, Buteyko Meets Dr. Mew, ABC means Always Breathe Correctly. I found my copy on Amazon at   This book is a fabulous resource for dentists, speech pathologists, and ENTs alike to use with patients and parents on proper breathing, which is nasal breathing. Oral breathing (aka, mouth breathing) causes sore…

  • Puberty and Sleep Disordered Breathing

    Puberty and Sleep Disordered Breathing

    Puberty causes a growth spurt that can lead to a recurrence of sleep disordered breathing, even after pediatric treatments have been completed. Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing Sleep disordered breathing includes snoring, sleep apnea, and limited air flow through the night. Primary snoring without a loss of oxygen is not considered a significant problem by the…

  • Tongue Tie surgery Improves Growth and Development; could prevent TMJ and Sleep Apnea!

    Tongue Tie surgery Improves Growth and Development; could prevent TMJ and Sleep Apnea!

    Tongue tie surgery can be life altering; it can promote a young person’s growth and development. The Definition Ankyloglossia is the medical term for tongue tie — a condition that can be as mild as slightly limiting a tongue’s range of motion to causing speech and swallowing pathologies, underdevelopment of the mouth, and potentially sleep…