Do you suffer unrelenting migraines?

Do you frequently clench your teeth?

Do you carry your stress in your jaw, neck or shoulders?

Call now for an appointment! 770-393-9201

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Patient demonstrating full clenched bite. Prominent masseter muscle developed from years of clenching.
Patient demonstrating full clenched bite. Prominent masseter muscle developed from years of clenching.
Patient demonstrating full clench 2 weeks after Botox injections . Note smoothness of jawline.
Patient demonstrating full clench 2 weeks after Botox injections . Note smoothness of jawline.

Our muscles are designed to get stronger with increased use. Our chewing and facial expression muscles are no exception. Overuse of these muscles can lead to skin wrinkling, overdevelopment of the jaw muscles, as well as facial pain.


You might be a candidate for Botox treatment to relax these muscles if:

•You have bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding)

•You have TMJ Dysfunction

•You suffer migraine headaches

•You carry stress in your jaw, neck, or shoulders

•Have repeatedly cracked or broken teeth or dental restorations with chewing regular foods


Botox is a brand name of a pure sterilized toxin from the bacterium Clostridium A.
It is carefully diluted for an exact outcome to relax muscles, and is placed in the muscle by injection.

Since 1990, the Botulinum toxin has been FDA approved for cervical dystonia (neck muscle issues) and since 2011 for chronic migraine. It does not create numbness or paralysis—only relaxes the muscles.


More chewing means more muscle mass, which leads to bigger, bulkier jawlines. For some patients, this can seriously affect their appearance. Botox treatment can help relax these muscles and return their original look.

Over the span of three treatments, three months apart, many female patients see a dramatic reduction in the bulk of their jaw, leading to a more feminine, slender jawline through this affordable treatment.

See Case Studies