A large filling is frequently not strong enough to withstand biting pressure on a cracked or damaged tooth. In that case, it is customary for the tooth to be protected with a restoration called a crown. Crowns can be made of different materials: gold, porcelain, or some combination. This patient had a porcelain-metal crown on…
Read MoreThis patient had been diagnosed with Moderate OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea), meaning he would stop breathing in his sleep between 15-30 times an hour. His physician fitted the patient for a C-PAP but the patient did not tolerate it well, due to the leaking around the face mask. Oral exam shows two…
Read MorePeriodontal disease affects approximately 80% of adults in the USA and can show up differently across the spectrum. This patient had very little active infection evident, yet a very high susceptibility to losing the tooth attachment to the jaw bone. Visually, the teeth are very clean and the gums are a healthy light pink…
Read MorePorcelain veneer vs bonding: Qualities to consider in decision making process This patient had chipped the front left tooth playing sports as a child. Previously, it was conservatively repaired with resin bonding (tooth-colored plastic filling material) which had discolored, and to the patient’s disappointment, three times before it had broken under the weight of his bite. A…
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