Early decay visible with enhanced Digital X-rays

Conventional film X-rays would require chemical processing and did not have the capability of changing contrast and gain. With digital X-rays, we can see the earliest of decays, and thus treat decay conservatively. This patient was seen in our hygiene department for routine cleaning and check-up.  The ultra low-radiation exposures did not initially show the…

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Decay under amalgam filling is typical

General dentistry in the United States has been trending toward the discontinued use of silver-mercury alloy fillings, aka, amalgams. My own preference for tooth-colored resins is for several reasons, the most obvious being that as an aesthetic dentist, I like teeth to look like teeth.  Additionally, resin is not affected by temperature the way metallic…

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Managing gum recession and tooth mobility with T-scan and equilibration

Periodontal disease affects approximately 80% of adults in the USA and can show up differently across the spectrum. This patient had very little active infection evident, yet a very high susceptibility to losing the tooth attachment to the jaw bone.   Visually, the teeth are very clean and the gums are a healthy light pink…

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