Snoring may be typical but it is not normal! Does your snoring bother anyone? Do you feel fatigued upon waking? Contact Us Now! As an airway-focused dentist, Dr. Caughey has received specialized training in dental sleep medicine, which can help break the cycle of poor sleep quality and chronic fatigue. There are various treatments and…
Read MoreIn this brief video, here an explanation of how a bite splint can be used therapeutically. Whether someone has had a recent trauma like whiplash, or a chronic condition like arthritis, a dental bite splint between the teeth can support and stabilize both the jaw joints and the neck.
Read MoreWhat is the JVA? The JVA or Joint Vibration Analysis machine is a small set of headphones which we place in front of the patient’s ears. But instead of the patient listening to music, this small sensor will pick up vibrations inside the patient’s jaw joint. Healthy jaw joints make very little friction as you…
Read MoreAn analysis of the way a patient’s bite comes together can be initiated by our dental assistant using the T-scan. Here she demonstrates how the impact is registered on the sensor, then places the sensor in the patient’s mouth and takes a quick multi-bite series. Dr. Caughey interprets the data to the patient, demonstrating the…
Read MoreDislocating a jaw joint can be so completely scary! While the condition can resolve on its own, many times people with the double dislocated jaw joint need to go to the hospital to have it reset. However, here is something to try at home first!
Read MoreTMD stands for temporo-mandibular dysfunction and is collection of different jaw problems that affect how the jaw joint hinges and slides. Some people are aware of a popping or a little clicking that they hear in their jaw joint while for others there could be pain upon biting or just a sense of a bad…
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