Tag: TMJ

  • Lucky lady teaches Splint Therapy

    Lucky lady teaches Splint Therapy

    How lucky am I? My journey learning about dental bite splints began 14 years ago at the Pankey Institute, and I have been honored to teach all about bite splints to other dentists for the past 8 years. In a matter of a few short days, our participants increased their understanding from basic concepts to…

  • Teaching Bite Splint Therapy

    Teaching Bite Splint Therapy

    My learning journey with bite splint therapy started in 2002 when I took the second level course at the Pankey Institute. . . this is a class that really tied some concepts together for me and gave me both a rationale and a method for helping patients with occlusal trauma (bite and/or TMJ jaw joint…

  • Holistic TMJ, Migraine Treatment

    Holistic TMJ, Migraine Treatment

    Migraines and Jaw pain solved with holistic dentistry approach This patient had migraines, nausea, and TMJ pain symptoms for years. She was able to achieve some relief from sequential modalities of chiropractic, physical therapy, and medications, but only to an extent.  At her initial exam we discovered significant muscle tension on the left side of…