Tag: JVA

  • Bite splint therapy

    Bite splint therapy

    In this brief video, here an explanation of how a bite splint can be used therapeutically. Whether someone has had a recent trauma like whiplash, or a chronic condition like arthritis, a dental bite splint between the teeth can support and stabilize both the jaw joints and the neck.

  • Can a dentist treat snoring or sleep apnea?

  • What is joint vibration analysis?

    What is the JVA? The JVA or Joint Vibration Analysis machine is a small set of headphones which we place in front of the patient’s ears. But instead of the patient listening to music, this small sensor will pick up vibrations inside the patient’s jaw joint. Healthy jaw joints make very little friction as you…

  • What is JVA?

    What is JVA?

    What is the JVA? The JVA or Joint Vibration Analysis machine is a small set of headphones which we place in front of the patient’s ears. But instead of the patient listening to music, this small sensor will pick up vibrations inside the patient’s jaw joint. Healthy jaw joints make very little friction as you…