Tag: Equilibration

  • Bite Therapy, Crowns for Sinus Pain

    Bite Therapy, Crowns for Sinus Pain

    Bite splint therapy and all-ceramic crowns to solve sinus pain misdiagnosis This patient had been treated by several dentists and doctors for ongoing pain in the left cheek area, and was ultimately referred for a second opinion.  The relevant history starts with cosmetic dentistry she had done to camouflage congenitally-missing lateral incisors. Her sense of…

  • Managing gum recession and tooth mobility with T-scan and equilibration

    Managing gum recession and tooth mobility with T-scan and equilibration

    Periodontal disease affects approximately 80% of adults in the USA and can show up differently across the spectrum. This patient had very little active infection evident, yet a very high susceptibility to losing the tooth attachment to the jaw bone.   Visually, the teeth are very clean and the gums are a healthy light pink…