Tag: Enamel

  • Decay under amalgam filling is typical

    Decay under amalgam filling is typical

          General dentistry in the United States has been trending toward the discontinued use of silver-mercury alloy fillings, aka, amalgams. My own preference for tooth-colored resins is for several reasons, the most obvious being that as an aesthetic dentist, I like teeth to look like teeth.  Additionally, resin is not affected by temperature…

  • Porcelain Veneer vs Bonding

    Porcelain Veneer vs Bonding

    Porcelain veneer vs bonding: Qualities to consider in decision making process This patient had chipped the front left tooth playing sports as a child.  Previously, it was conservatively repaired with resin bonding (tooth-colored plastic filling material) which had discolored, and to the patient’s disappointment, three times before it had broken under the weight of his bite. A…

  • Healing the Pain-Body inside of teeth

    Healing the Pain-Body inside of teeth

    In his book The Power of Now, spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle discusses the concept of the pain body . . . Tolle: The pain-body is my term for the accumulation of old emotional pain that almost all people carry in their energy field. I see it as a semi-autonomous psychic entity. It consists of negative emotions that were…