Tag: Custom crafted porcelain restorations

  • Customized Bacterial testing for Decay sensitivity

    Customized Bacterial testing for Decay sensitivity

    Prior to fluoridation of public drinking water, tooth decay was widespread. To date, the epidemic of dental decay has dropped off dramatically. That said, in highly susceptible patients, it seems that no amount of careful brushing and flossing, professional hygiene care, fluoride, and diet control keep the new cavities from recurring.  In recent times a…

  • Myth about most “metal-free” dental crowns

    Myth about most “metal-free” dental crowns

    As a restorative dentist, I place equal value on predictability, longevity, comfort, biocompatibility, and aesthetics.  One soap box I don’t mind stepping on is the busting down the metal-free myth about the more popular new ceramic crown options. The two most popular types of all-ceramic crowns for back teeth are made from aluminum oxide and…

  • What is JVA?

    What is JVA?

    What is the JVA? The JVA or Joint Vibration Analysis machine is a small set of headphones which we place in front of the patient’s ears. But instead of the patient listening to music, this small sensor will pick up vibrations inside the patient’s jaw joint. Healthy jaw joints make very little friction as you…

  • Leaky crown gets replaced with exact match after root canal

    Leaky crown gets replaced with exact match after root canal

    A large filling is frequently not strong enough to withstand biting pressure on a cracked or damaged tooth. In that case, it is customary for the tooth to be protected with a restoration called a crown. Crowns can be made of different materials: gold, porcelain, or some combination.       This patient had a…