Tag: Ceramist

  • Myth about most “metal-free” dental crowns

    Myth about most “metal-free” dental crowns

    As a restorative dentist, I place equal value on predictability, longevity, comfort, biocompatibility, and aesthetics.  One soap box I don’t mind stepping on is the busting down the metal-free myth about the more popular new ceramic crown options. The two most popular types of all-ceramic crowns for back teeth are made from aluminum oxide and…

  • Leaky crown gets replaced with exact match after root canal

    Leaky crown gets replaced with exact match after root canal

    A large filling is frequently not strong enough to withstand biting pressure on a cracked or damaged tooth. In that case, it is customary for the tooth to be protected with a restoration called a crown. Crowns can be made of different materials: gold, porcelain, or some combination.       This patient had a…

  • Decay under amalgam filling is typical

    Decay under amalgam filling is typical

          General dentistry in the United States has been trending toward the discontinued use of silver-mercury alloy fillings, aka, amalgams. My own preference for tooth-colored resins is for several reasons, the most obvious being that as an aesthetic dentist, I like teeth to look like teeth.  Additionally, resin is not affected by temperature…