Fractured front tooth replaced with porcelain crowns and ceramic implant-crown
This patient came to me complaining of tooth grinding and weak front teeth; her upper left lateral incisor had been restored with a crown several times and eventually broke at the gum-line. After discussing her options, the patient selected replacement of the hopeless broken tooth with implant dentistry, and to restore the other 5 front teeth with matching all-ceramic crowns.

Fractured post and crown: on tray table.
The option she did not choose was to place a 3-unit bridge across the space of the missing tooth – for years she had not liked the look of the space between her two front teeth, and noticed over time that with her grinding, the space appeared wider and the teeth appeared smaller. By choosing elective dentistry along with necessary restorative dentistry, she was able to achieve her aesthetic and functional needs. We used a custom blend of porcelains on the natural teeth and the ceramic implant-crown to achieve space closing and symmetry.

After photo: Porcelain crowns and implant-crown
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