In our practice, we use a wide array of dental appliances and therefore have a detailed selection process of what would be most appropriate in each case. This page serves as a landing page for people searching for dental care using a specific dental appliance, and to help direct them to instances of how they might be used.

ALF – Advanced Lightwire Functional appliances for kids

ALF – Advanced Lightwire Functional apppliances for adults

Aligner Orthodontics

Apnea Appliances

Bite Splints


Functional Orthodontic Appliances

Growth Appliances


Myomunchee Oral Trainers

MOOO Mandibular Occlusal Orthotic

MAD Mandibular Advancement Device


Occlusal Orthotics

Palatal Expanders

PADA Postural Dental Appliance

Snoring and Sleep Appliances


TAP Thornton Airway Positioner