Spotlight on Kingsley N. Chin, MD Otolaryngologist

  I’ve known Dr. Kingsley N. Chin for years through our shared membership in the Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Dental Study group (CIDS), where he is known as “the sinus and allergy guy.”  Dr. Chin has been practicing in Atlanta at Piedmont ENT & Related Allergy for over 25 years and has developed a comprehensive approach to…

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Spotlight on Meredith White, Speech Pathologist

Meredith began myofunctional training in 2010 and became certified by the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) in 2015.  With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of hours of education in myofunctional therapy, feeding and swallowing, Meredith is passionate about providing positive outcomes for patients. She teams with other Airway Centric and holistically-minded medical…

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Spotlight on Janey Hoag, Orofacial Myologist

Orofacial Myologist, or Myofunctional Therapist? Speech-Language Pathologist, or Speech Therapist? It turns out that Janey Hoag (a.k.a., Jane E Hoag) is all of the above! We met Janey at our office. She shadowed Mike & Dr.C on one of their Integrative Postural Therapy clinic days on a Wednesday, and was equal parts sponge and contributor!…

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Referring a Patient for IPT (Integrative Postural Therapy)

We are often asked two questions: what is IPT (Integrative Postural Therapy), and once I have identified that my patient needs that integrated care, what tips could you give me for referring a patient for IPT? IPT (Integrative Postural Therapy) is the combined patient care of dentistry + physical therapy, founded by Elizabeth Caughey DDS…

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Spotlight on Errol Holmes, CNMT

I can still remember the day I met Errol Holmes.  It was a hot September day in the Georgia countryside, and I had dragged out 100 miles on a bicycle ride raising money for Multiple Sclerosis research. The finish line tent was full of people like me: physically exhausted, emotionally spent, and grateful to have…

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