Porcelain Veneers and Crowns for darkly discolored teeth

This patient had become concerned with the dark discoloration evident on her top side teeth. She thought it was a normal side effect for older silver fillings, but multiple fillings had new decay around them. She elected to replace the failing fillings with crowns on the back teeth for strength and optimal performance. Additionally, by…

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Smile balancing through functional tooth reshaping

According to Gordon Christensen, dental equilibration (bite balancing) might be one of the most widely UNDER-utilized services in dentistry. – JADA April 2005 136(4): 497–499; Teeth that fit together correctly do not require the additional muscular activity needed to shift the jaw to the side or squeeze unilaterally when one side hits first.  The art of…

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Myth about most “metal-free” dental crowns

As a restorative dentist, I place equal value on predictability, longevity, comfort, biocompatibility, and aesthetics.  One soap box I don’t mind stepping on is the busting down the metal-free myth about the more popular new ceramic crown options. The two most popular types of all-ceramic crowns for back teeth are made from aluminum oxide and…

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Hard raw-foods diet leads to fractured fillings; gold chewing surface sustains bite

Conservative dentistry and naturally sustaining lifestyles go together, and as such, many of the people attracted to our practice focus on their nutrition and overall health.  This patient eats a strict raw-foods diet, including very hard foods like raw carrots and almonds.  Though amalgam filling material has a compressive strength (aka, ability to resist biting…

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