Bite Therapy, Crowns for Sinus Pain

Bite splint therapy and all-ceramic crowns to solve sinus pain misdiagnosis This patient had been treated by several dentists and doctors for ongoing pain in the left cheek area, and was ultimately referred for a second opinion.  The relevant history starts with cosmetic dentistry she had done to camouflage congenitally-missing lateral incisors. Her sense of…

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Bridge with Pink Porcelain Gums

Pink porcelain gum on bridge creates a Trompe L’Oiel effect for this gingival defect This patient had trauma to her front two teeth as a child, which led to a series of root canal treatments, and ultimately resulted in tooth loss.  Dental implants had been initially placed in the site of the missing 2 front…

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Resin Fillings, Tooth Bleaching

This patient had white resin fillings placed years ago, and had since decided to whiten her teeth.  The whitening effect on the enamel of her teeth had a tremendous impact – however, in contrast, this tooth whitening made the original bright, opaque color of the fillings stand out in a negative way. The patient had…

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Smile restoration after trauma

Implant dentistry and pink porcelain gums create lifelike final outcome in smile restoration after trauma This patient had been been traumatized by a baseball as a child, causing him to lose one front tooth and badly damage another.  At his initial consultation, he had a failing four-unit bridge connecting two seemingly healthy teeth to one…

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Resin Veneer replaced by Porcelain

Single porcelain veneer replacing stained bonding This patient had a small misshapen Peg Lateral incisor (upper right) that was bonded with a resin veneer made from plastic filling material a decade prior.  She had become aware of a dark stain at the edge of the restoration, as well as a dull matte finish compared to…

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Feldspathic Veneer | Peg Lateral

Feldspathic veneer brings full adult contour to a “peg lateral” incisor This patient had been aware that one of his front teeth looked different from the others – it was small and hidden beside the adjacent tooth, and looked grey in comparison. As a rising star in international business, he was concerned that his habit…

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Baby Teeth Get Implant Dentistry

A permanent solution when permanent teeth don’t erupt Typically a patient will lose primary (baby) teeth as the permanent teeth in the bone below develops and matures, pushing the primary tooth out of its way. In the case where there is a congenitally missing permanent tooth, the primary tooth may be retained for an indefinite period…

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Porcelain veneers closing spaces

Cosmetic defect of peg lateral incisor and spaces solved with porcelain veneers This busy corporate executive had a great smile, and she used it frequently with her colleagues and customers. But she was aware of the cosmetic defect in her smile of a peg lateral incisor and spaces between the teeth.  After a smile analysis,…

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Braces and Resin Bonding

Successful adult improves confidence through aesthetic dentistry! As a consultant to big financial firms, this patient was aware that a powerful image was important to portray. However, she felt limited by having never lost the upper baby-teeth canines. The proportion between her teeth and lips was not balanced. She did not realize that the two…

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Ceramic Implant-Crown

Fractured front tooth replaced with porcelain crowns and ceramic implant-crown This patient came to me complaining of tooth grinding and weak front teeth; her upper left lateral incisor had been restored with a crown several times and eventually broke at the gum-line. After discussing her options, the patient selected replacement of the hopeless broken tooth with…

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