ALF wire material: Elgiloy

People ask me what is the “magic” of the ALF, and is it all in the design? While the design does indeed need to match the patient’s individual needs, the material used is equally important. The body wire of the ALF is made of Elgiloy, a cobalt-based alloy; the blue Elgiloy often selected at the…

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Growing Healthy Kids

Growing Healthy Kids Kids need high quality sleep, high quality nutrition, and lots of play to grow healthy bones. Bones need the raw materials of proteins, vitamins and minerals to lay down more bone – but they also do not grow without force being placed across the bone. Form follows function! Unfortunately, today’s “kid food”…

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ALF for Palatal Expansion

Palatal expansion is a commonly needed component of Interceptive Orthodontic Therapy, which is also called “early orthodontics” or “phase one orthodontics.” As dentists, we often suggest orthodontic expansion (making enough room in the mouth for the tongue and the teeth) while a child is in the pre-puberty phase. This is because the upper jaw (maxilla)…

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Spotlight on Kingsley N. Chin, MD Otolaryngologist

  I’ve known Dr. Kingsley N. Chin for years through our shared membership in the Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Dental Study group (CIDS), where he is known as “the sinus and allergy guy.”  Dr. Chin has been practicing in Atlanta at Piedmont ENT & Related Allergy for over 25 years and has developed a comprehensive approach to…

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Oral Development and Nursing

New parents often joke “if only the baby came with instructions.” One particular area that parents look for advice is in how to feed baby. A common question is “Bottle or breast?” New mothers can get free support from other moms with nurslings by attending La Leche League meetings But even for mothers who feel…

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