Atlanta cosmetic aesthetic dentistry

A smile represents a variety of feelings from subtle dry humor to unbridled enthusiasm and joy.  What our smile says about us depends on how freely we use it.

But for many people, a cosmetic defect in their own smile will prevent them from shining brightly.  Aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry are two different ways of describing what Dr. Caughey can do to help free our patients into their fullest expression of self.

All smile designs start with the belief that the smile is mostly pleasing, and to find that one element that – if we changed that – would change the overall effect.  In other words, we behave like an artist would in approaching the canvas – we have an appreciation for the canvas itself, and believe the final outcome simply needs to be drawn out.

From simple tooth reshaping to full porcelain veneers, we combine subtle and dramatic enhancements to make your smile radiant.  We use the finest materials in our aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, whether we opt for composite resins for hand-placed bonding, cured resins for resin veneers, or feldspathic porcelains for custom crafted porcelain veneers. All-ceramic crowns and custom ceramic implant-crowns can also improve the look, when teeth have become dark, deeply discolored, and unattractive from infection or trauma.

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