General dentistry is important for general health, for the whole family! We love helping our new mothers learn about proper oral care for their babies, and introducing them to help with teething and nutrition for growing mouths. As the child grows, general dentistry serves to monitor growth and development, and coordinate care with pediatric…
Read MoreDo you suffer unremitting headaches? Does your back bother you in your daily posture? Have you had to give up a favorite physical activity due to pain? Call now for an appointment! 770-393-9201 Contact Us Now! Causes of poor body posture The body’s natural asymmetry of the internal organs sets all of us up…
Read MoreWhat keeps you from smiling? Would you like to improve your smile? Call now for an appointment! 770-393-9201 Contact Us Now! A smile represents a variety of feelings from subtle dry humor to unbridled enthusiasm and joy. What our smile says about us depends on how freely we use it. But for many people,…
Read MoreDoes your jaw hurt? Do you have pain when you chew? Do you have recurring headaches or chronic neck pain? Call now for an appointment! 770-393-9201 Contact Us Now! While there is no true recognized specialty of dentistry in TMJ management, Dr. Caughey is specially trained in creating an accurate diagnosis and in selecting…
Read MoreSnoring may be typical but it is not normal! Does your snoring bother anyone? Do you feel fatigued upon waking? Contact Us Now! As an airway-focused dentist, Dr. Caughey has received specialized training in dental sleep medicine, which can help break the cycle of poor sleep quality and chronic fatigue. There are various treatments and…
Read MoreWhat do you get when you take a kid, and add a Myomunchee, and put him on a trampoline?? ALF accelerator! If you haven’t read other our blog entries about the ALF or the Myomunchee, here is a brief overview: the ALF is a delicate wire worn on the roof of the mouth to stimulate…
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