It is always a compliment when a patient volunteers to write a testimonial, and here we have just received on about how her bite splint improves her tennis performance. We are so proud of your success, and thoroughly impressed that you would use this experience to write about in your college essay!
In the patients’ words:
“One of the greatest obstacles or challenges I faced dealt with debilitating injuries that almost ended my ability to play tennis. Through these injuries however my eyes were greatly opened to the process of how important continual learning can be as well as the fascinating world of science in the treatment of ailments.
First, the background is that I love the game of tennis and have been a serious junior tennis player for many years. This entails a lot of travel and about twenty hours of practicing and playing per week. In the fall of 2015, I began to have shoulder pain that would not go away. After many doctor visits, an MRI and extensive physical therapy it still wasn’t completely normal. In the Spring and Summer of 2016, I had an unexplained shocking sensation in my hand which was then followed by severe back pain that persisted for many months. Finally, after x-rays, MRI’s, physical therapy, cortisone shots, and many trips to an orthopedic doctor it looked as if my tennis playing days were simply over. These injuries could not be fixed.
However as a last resort, someone suggested to me that they thought my problem may be with the bite in my mouth and suggested I go to a dentist located in Atlanta, Georgia who specialized in patients with bite issues that could begin to effect other parts of their body. This seemed to be “way out of the box” thinking to me and my family as we have traditionally associated the healing or fixing of muscle groups with an orthopedic type doctor.
However, we did go to Atlanta and the dentist there did instantly believe that my bite was causing an inordinate grinding of my teeth which was essentially locking up my muscles groups and creating pain points throughout my body. She made a splint for my mouth that I now wear and I have basically not had any problems since she began treating me.
This episode has really taught me several very important things about life however as I have overcome this obstacle. First, it has taught me the value of never ending or continual learning. This dentist could have easily just been a traditional dentist cleaning teeth, fixing cavities, and putting crowns on patient’s teeth. However, she sought out to learn more about how her profession could be enhanced and decided to embark on a lifetime of learning in order that she might be able to help even more people in other ways than simply cleaning their teeth. I know that has changed the way I will think forever in regards to my profession. I have learned that you should never stop trying to learn new things in whatever you are doing.
Second, this event taught me the value of science and how it carries such an important part in everything we do in life. I am so fascinated by the body and science behind how the mouth of a human and the neck muscles can ultimately affect our whole muscular skeletal system.
Finally, and most important of all it has taught me to persevere in whatever I am doing. I was so close to giving up something I really enjoyed but in one afternoon I was able to overcome something that had been an issue for an entire year. Many times in life we are easily tempted to give up on a dream or a goal simply because giving up is the easy way out. I am grateful that I didn’t give up and kept seeking a solution that enabled me to go forward with something I enjoy doing.”