PRI (Postural Restoration Institute) featured Dr Caughey’s interview on its website!

As a PRI enthusiast, I was overwhelmed with pride to be invited to be invited to speak at the 2017 Annual Interdisclipinary Symposium – but Wow! What an honor to be recently interviewed by PRI, much less to have the interview featured on their website!

The questions they asked were essentially about how I became interested initially in PRI, and how I incorporate Postural Restoration Institute concepts into my dental practice. As I reflect upon what I shared in this interview, I am left with a few summary points:

1- if a dentist comes to learn PRI concepts, she will develop more confidence in identifying where a patient’s bite problems or TMJ pain problems may require outside help

2- mentors will help you along your journey, but follow your interests and you will develop a career that supports you

3- when you are learning in another profession’s course, take a colleague and take turns tutoring each other for maximum benefit!

To read the full interview, follow the link below, and thanks!

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