Team building at its finest! David Jones is a world class kayaker, and the rest of us at TMJ Treatment Atlanta are a bunch of newbies!

Our morning was cool for mid-July, and a little bit overcast. Sunscreen already applied, we set out for the NOC station at Sope Creek in Marietta. Our first lesson was how heavy kayaks are! We carried our own kayaks down to the water, put on our life jackets, and started our cruise down river.

There was one class 1 rapid – and some of us got stuck on the rocks!  After the geese got done laughing at us, we paddled the rest of the way to Powers Ferry Island and hauled the boats out.

All, that is, except Dr. Jones – he paddled the entire distance back upstream as if that’s “nothing” to do! Thanks for showing us how, Dr. J!

Kayaking in action-2  Kayaking makes us goofy!-2

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